Program Partnerski
Związek stowarzyszeń ESN Polska sprzedaż www



Personal data

choose card: ESNcard card for mentors, ESNcard dla mentorów, okres: 02/2025 - 02/2026

Price: 50.00 PLN

Card owner

Name Surname (last name) Date of birth Nationality
City Name of University or school ESN section
Mentor's code

Place of residence

Street House number Apartment number Postal code City Phone number E-mail Confirm your e-mail Country

Mailing address (if different than residence address)

Street House number Apartment number Postal code City Country

Select card delivery method

Delivery point:

Photo verification

Attach your photo for the verification process

* We recommend you to use the same, clear face picture on your ESNcard
Select photo from file


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